Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Evolution and Devolution of a Political Party

The Republican Party is known for many things, one of which is their skepticism of evolution. It’s ironic the Republican Party is now the living embodiment of devolution as the party of Trump. The devolution of the Republican Party stretches back decades and it really starts to fall apart with Richard Nixon. This is one of those rare cases where I bring up Richard Nixon and I don't necessarily mean Watergate, even though Watergate is pivotal in the devolution of the GOP. Nixon's greatest contribution to the beginning of the regression of the Republican Party to its amoeba state is "The Southern Strategy". Nixon executed "The Southern Strategy" with dog-whistle racism in southern states to pick up disaffected Dixiecrats who were mad at Lyndon Johnson over desegregation. It worked, he won. It actually worked too well, Nixon got elected but it also began a 60 years slide of bigotry, science denying, cognitive dissonance, intellectual dishonesty, women hating, Evangelical courting, race to the bottom which brings them to Donald Trump. My entire life Republicans have run increasingly unqualified candidates for the office of president. Ronald Reagan, an actor whose most famous work was with a monkey. George Bush Senior, who honestly is the best Republican candidate and Republican president of my lifetime, (which isn't saying much) but even he was so out of touch that he was mystified by a supermarket scanner in the 90’s. Bob Dole, worthless and forgettable. George Bush jr., the worst president certainly of my lifetime, but maybe the worst president in the history of mankind. John McCain, the most unaccomplished person in the Senate up against Barack Obama the smartest person in the Senate at the time. Mitt Romney, a RINO who had to pretend he was a moron to get the worst of the worst in his party to vote for him so he could win a primary, then he had to pretend like he didn't mean any of the stupid stuff that he said during the primary to win the general. That's a trap Republicans have been falling into for the last few election cycles. That's how you get Donald Trump. Someone who embodies cognitive dissidence, intellectual dishonesty, and regular run of the mill sinister dishonesty to a level that would even make old "Tricky Dick" embarrassed. Donald Trump is also where this ends. I'm not saying on November 9th there won't be a Republican Party anymore. They're kind of isn't a Republican Party right now. Sure they'll still run candidates. They’ll win statewide and local elections here or there, but unless they become more than what they are now they'll never win the presidency again. Developing into something better over time is called evolution and Republicans just don't believe in it. 

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