Friday, October 28, 2016

#ProtestVotesMatter 2

Is Hillary Clinton a corrupt/lying/career/war criminal? Well….Yes. Is Donald Trump all of those things and much much worse?  Absolutely yes! More important than any of that is Donald Trump, has the endorsement of the Ku Klux Klan. This election isn't Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump. It's Hillary Clinton vs the Ku Klux Klan.  In that fight, I'm rooting for Hillary Clinton, but I'm not going to vote for her. #ProtestVotesMatter

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Running for President to Build Brand Awareness

During an interview in 2000 Donald Trump said, "I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it.” Well now it is 2016 and his campaign pays him to rent Trump Tower as a campaign headquarters. He has used his stump speech to advertise his properties. He frequently holds up copies of his shitty ghost written book at rallies. Yesterday we got a glimpse of Donald Trump's cynical endgame to his disgusting run for president. Trump TV! Click the link below to read an article highlighting the highs and lows of Trump TV's inaugural broadcast. That's the only time the word "inaugural" and "Trump" will be in the same sentence.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Evolution and Devolution of a Political Party

The Republican Party is known for many things, one of which is their skepticism of evolution. It’s ironic the Republican Party is now the living embodiment of devolution as the party of Trump. The devolution of the Republican Party stretches back decades and it really starts to fall apart with Richard Nixon. This is one of those rare cases where I bring up Richard Nixon and I don't necessarily mean Watergate, even though Watergate is pivotal in the devolution of the GOP. Nixon's greatest contribution to the beginning of the regression of the Republican Party to its amoeba state is "The Southern Strategy". Nixon executed "The Southern Strategy" with dog-whistle racism in southern states to pick up disaffected Dixiecrats who were mad at Lyndon Johnson over desegregation. It worked, he won. It actually worked too well, Nixon got elected but it also began a 60 years slide of bigotry, science denying, cognitive dissonance, intellectual dishonesty, women hating, Evangelical courting, race to the bottom which brings them to Donald Trump. My entire life Republicans have run increasingly unqualified candidates for the office of president. Ronald Reagan, an actor whose most famous work was with a monkey. George Bush Senior, who honestly is the best Republican candidate and Republican president of my lifetime, (which isn't saying much) but even he was so out of touch that he was mystified by a supermarket scanner in the 90’s. Bob Dole, worthless and forgettable. George Bush jr., the worst president certainly of my lifetime, but maybe the worst president in the history of mankind. John McCain, the most unaccomplished person in the Senate up against Barack Obama the smartest person in the Senate at the time. Mitt Romney, a RINO who had to pretend he was a moron to get the worst of the worst in his party to vote for him so he could win a primary, then he had to pretend like he didn't mean any of the stupid stuff that he said during the primary to win the general. That's a trap Republicans have been falling into for the last few election cycles. That's how you get Donald Trump. Someone who embodies cognitive dissidence, intellectual dishonesty, and regular run of the mill sinister dishonesty to a level that would even make old "Tricky Dick" embarrassed. Donald Trump is also where this ends. I'm not saying on November 9th there won't be a Republican Party anymore. They're kind of isn't a Republican Party right now. Sure they'll still run candidates. They’ll win statewide and local elections here or there, but unless they become more than what they are now they'll never win the presidency again. Developing into something better over time is called evolution and Republicans just don't believe in it. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Official Drinking Game Rules for Clinton vs Trump 3

              Official Drinking Game Rules for Clinton vs Trump 3

1. Drink an entire bathtub of moonshine if the candidates shake hands at the beginning of
the debate.

2. Drink a sip of water if either candidate tells an outright, pants on fire, what planet are
you living on, you've got a fucking be kidding me, lie. (Pace yourself this is going to be a
long night.)

3. Drink a shot of whiskey if either candidate says a verifiable fact.

4. Drink a sip of beer if either candidate says,” I want to talk about the issues”

5. Drink two sips of beer if either candidate says, “I want to talk about the issues” then
immediately doesn't.

6. Drink two shots of whiskey if Donald Trump, coherently explains any of his policy
positions. (After you regain consciousness from the shock of such a thing happening.)

7. Drink 2 shots of whiskey if Hillary Clinton, makes you believe for even a second she's
ever experienced an actual human emotion. (Again after you regain consciousness.)

8. Chug an entire bottle of beer if the moderator asks a question about; Benghazi, Hillary
Clinton's private email server, WikiLeaks, Trump hot mic, Trump sexual assault victims,
Melania Trump or Bill Clinton. (then feel free to turn the TV off and go to bed)

9. Chug An entire bottle of beer if you watch the whole debate. (You've earned it. Hopefully,
we get to do this again in 4 years. I have a feeling we won't because monarchy is
starting to look pretty good right now.)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Timeline of Donald Trumps Sex Abuse Allegations

Here is a Timeline of Donald Trump Sex Abuse Allegations. Try not throw up on your keyboard while you read it. I'll try to keep it updated as these allegations develop. Feel free to post links in the comments.

Updated Oct 15 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Trump/Lannister Family Values

The Trump's are starting to remind me of the Lannister's. Except for the obvious difference in philosophies on the importance of debt repayment, pretty much the same family.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

"The future is just a bribe"... Vote Jill Stein!

Halt and Catch Fire clip where Cameron  says, "the future is just a bribe..".  I think that sentiment fits in well with this year's election where the Democrats are trying to scare you with Donald Trump, so we will  all forget Hillary Clinton's a war criminal. #VoteForStein 

Monday, October 10, 2016


In the beginning, there was, Bernie Sanders and his candidacy was a complete joke. Then I saw him debate Hillary Clinton and learned his candidacy wasn't just a joke, it was a very unfunny one. I'm talking Seth Rogen movie level unfunny. Even with that said, I still preferred him to Hillary so I voted for him. So now, I prefer Hillary to Trump which makes this whole thing a complete farce. The only bright side to this whole mess is, I live in New York, so it doesn't matter who I vote for, all 29 of New York's Electoral College votes are going to go to Hillary Clinton. That’s just a fact, but that fact means I can use this disaster-tunity to do whatever meaningless protest vote I like. I'm going with the Jill Stein protest vote myself. I know she's not everyone's “cup of tea”. She doesn’t sing the right, "vaccine song" that some of my friends like. Y’all know which friends I'm talking about. I’m not a doctor (Jill Stein is for the record) so I give less of a shit about vaccines than I do about hockey and I think I've made my feelings pretty clear about how little a shit I care about hockey. Anyway…. Protest Vote, it’s all I got left and I’m going to use it and use it proudly. It's my New York State privilege and I'm going to take advantage of it. If I lived in Ohio or Pennsylvania or Florida maybe I would think differently.  Statistically speaking, If I lived in Florida I would exclusively think about meth (just kidding Floridians, you know I love you folks). Hey, if you do live in Florida, Pennsylvania or Ohio and you want to make a protest vote, have at it. I'm not going to try and talk you out of it. If that means Donald Trump becomes president you know what, I'm okay with that. Serves the Democrats right for electing Hillary Clinton as their nominee. Serves all of us right for building our country on an “Indian” graveyard. I've watched enough 80s movies to know only bad things come from that.  Lastly, we live in a post “The Tape” (“The Tape” is what I'm calling the, "grab them by the pussy” recording from now on, even though it's not actually a “tape” per se, because fuck literalism) America now, so Hillary's going to win this election by a landslide. But because Hillary is Hillary and she is the worst, soon after becoming president she'll commit a crime and get impeached. Wait, then Tim Kaine will be president…… Nevermind no bright side.  No... wait again.... Protest Vote, that was the bright side.  

#ProtestVotesMatter #Imwithjill #kindof #Vaccinesarestupid #Imjustkiddingaboutvaccinestheyrenotstupid #Seriouslyfuckhocky  

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Clinton vs. Trump Part 2

Clinton vs. Trump Part 2

Here we go again.

How did we get here?

I have no idea how we got here, but one way or another it's all going to be over soon.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016

Trump Hot Mic. "Grab them by the pussy"!

Trump Hot Mic. "Grab them by the pussy"!

"Grab them by the pussy", is the latest most disgusting thing that Donald Trump has said. This has got to be the thing that ends his run for president, right? It seems like every day he does or says something "deplorable", but this has got to be it... right? So for the record this campaign Donald Trump has: (in no particular order)

  • made a "joke" about assassinating Hillary Clinton, twice.
  • lied about a sex tape
  • praised Vladimir Putin
  • refuse to release his taxes
  • accused Mexico of sending the US, "drug dealers and rapists"
  • and much much more!

Now he has this video. Enough is enough........ right?!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Trump Deposition Part 1

Trump Deposition Part 1
Click the blue "X" three times to start the video. Sorry about the pop-ups but I promise it's worth it.

Trump Deposition Part 2

Trump Deposition Part 2
Click the blue "X" three times to start the video. Sorry about the pop-ups but I promise it's worth it.

Official Kane vs. Pence Debate Drinking Game Rules

1.) Mute the TV before either candidate says a word.

2.) Drink as much alcohol as you can every time the moderator asks either pudgy white guy that will never be president, a question.

3.) Try not to get alcohol poisoning.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Raise The terror watch alert to Defcon 4, Kim Kardashian has been robbed. Somebody put eyes on Paris Hilton ASAP. I HATE CNN!

In response to the “very important” Kim Kardashian robbery situation CNN put a former jewel thief and a former Kardashian bodyguard on as experts. The former jewel thief proclaimed without any evidence that the robbery was an inside job. The former bodyguard used this opportunity to advertise his bodyguard services. Once again CNN stopped covering news to broadcast nonsense. This has been: I HATE CNN.